The plumbing in your home might seem a mysterysince it is usually hidden behind the walls and under the sink. Understanding what happens when bad things go down the drain is the first step in prevention. You’ll be able to keep your pipes in good conditionand reduce their impact on environmental pollution.

Where Does it Go?

Everything that goes down the drain is transportedthrough a networkof pipes, fittings, andtanks.Thisis where any of the tubes could get clogged with fragments of whatever is trying to pass through their drain.

When the pipesare cakedwith grease, pieces of food, or other objects, they prevent the flow of water out of your home. This is why it is imperative that youknow what things NOT to throw down the drain.

Do Not Throw These 4 Things Down the Drain

Since what you throw down your drain has an impact on the plumbing of your home and the environment, it is importantto understand how it works. Thiswill reduce the damage caused in your home and the environment.

Additionally, understanding what could potentially happen to your drain, you can prevent and reduce your financial risk.

No. 1 No-Go: Grease

Grease is a likely culprit in many plumbing problems. When you let it slide down the drain, it sticks to the inside of the drain pipes. Over time, this could block the entire tube. Instead, put grease in your trash after it has cooled orhardened. Any oil can contribute to the obstruction of drainage. Thisincludes:

  • Cooking oils
  • Lard
  • Salad dressings
  • Butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • Fats from cooked meats like beef or pork
  • Engine oil and transmission fluid

Do not throw these oils down any drain, including the toilet.

No. 2 No-Go: Foods that Expand

Foods, such as pasta and rice, continue to expand as they immerse themselves in the sewage from garbage disposals and drainage pipes. Pasta is usually madewith semolina flour, which becomes gummy and can easilyclog drains. Throw leftovers away in the garbage.

No. 3 No-Go:  Flour

Do you have a baker in your home? Have you ever mixed flour and water? Flour and waterproducea substance that is almost like glue. The powder(or dough) sticks to the sides of the drain pipesand collects other debris and garbage along the tube. Thisis terriblenews for your plumbing because it can clog a drain very quickly. Make sure you don’t rinse out mixing bowls either. Even a little bit of this gluey substance can damage your pipes. Instead, use a spatula and spoon every little bit into your trashcan.

No. 4 No-Go:  Medicines

Have you ever seen a movie where someone wasflushing a bunch of pills down a toilet? In reality, you don’t want to dispose of medication that way. Some of that medication can end up in your local water treatment plant and may then seep into the environment. And that can mean back into your water source. Check with a local agency about the proper way to dispose of old and unused medicine.

Throwing things down a drain may seem like a convenient way to get rid of unwanted waste. We’ve all been tempted to throw food down the sink or pour kitchen oil into the toilet to get rid of it. However, have you ever stopped to think aboutwhere it all goes once it reaches the drain? Although it may seem safe, majordamage can be caused by using the drainto discard the wrong materials.

The good news is that even if youdo accidentally put something baddown the drain, we can fix it! Fite Plumbing is dedicated to the management and treatment of plumbing problems. As one of the few plumbing companies that are available 24/7 to help you get “unstuck” from an emergency, call us at 317-271-5400 anytime. Day or night, you want Fite!